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[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] Shazeb Arif S. (b. 1983, Mumbai) is a multidisciplinary artist, curator and entrepreneur.

Shazeb is Executive Trustee with The Academy of Electronic Arts (AeA), an organization that has been constantly looking into the future and its manifestation through arts, science, media and technology. The AeA has successfully conducted 8 editions of the Carnival of e-Creativity (CeC), an electronic arts / experimental and empowering creativity 'incident' in India since 2006. In 2014, the...
[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] Shazeb Arif S. (b. 1983, Mumbai) is a multidisciplinary artist, curator and entrepreneur.

Shazeb is Executive Trustee with The Academy of Electronic Arts (AeA), an organization that has been constantly looking into the future and its manifestation through arts, science, media and technology. The AeA has successfully conducted 8 editions of the Carnival of e-Creativity (CeC), an electronic arts / experimental and empowering creativity 'incident' in India since 2006. In 2014, the AeA has established the Research and Innovation Ashram in the North East of India as an experimental arts and technology space.

Shazeb is also a core member of The Wall Project (India), an initiative that has brought a positive impact across the country with permissible paintings in public spaces. The project is also credited for the globally-recognized symbol, the Great Wall of Mumbai - a 4-km stretch of paintings created by the citizens of Mumbai.

Shazeb is also a Founder of Conjure Arts and Media, a Mumbai-New York nexus that is exploring the mediums of films, first generation innovations, hybrid art products and space design. Conjure's films have already been selected at prestigious festivals such as Cannes, Raindance, Dubai and Chicago besides winning major awards in Shanghai, Stuttgart, New York and Los Angeles.

Shazeb founded The Blackout Festival in 2012 - probably Mumbai's only annual apartment festival run by creative contribution only. It was started to mark the end of the Mayan calendar on 21-12-2012.

Shazeb is currently Residency Director at the founding edition of KYTA, an experimental collaborative residency program hosted in the beautiful Kalga village in the Parvati Valley in Himachal Pradesh, India.

Shazeb is currently producing and managing his biggest endeavour yet - The Mumbai Landmark Project - to establish 12 modern-day arts-science-technology marvels for Mumbai city.

As a live performer, Shazeb manipulates his visual works with real-time processing + story telling. He also writes structured prose and poetry.

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