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pixelpunx live

  • VJ Set
  • 8983 Nézetek
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pixelpunx live
[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] Making live videos is always a contention with a unrepeteable moment, a spontaneous interpretation and reflection of a mood.

Our work shall transform the mood of our entorage into a digital wallpaper, shall expand the room without telling a story. It’s the search of a visual translation.

We revert to our huge archive, resulted from old computer games, now grown into a many-sided library of short loops from many kinds of moving images. Studied and worked on different fields (graphic design, industrial design, architecture and new media), the five members of pixelpunx are useing the rough material in unequal ways and create an individual expression.

Időtartam (perc)


Ami szükséges

• BNC or svideo out

• table 1.5m for 2laptops and 1mixer

• view to the mainscreen

  • VJ Set



Switzerland Baden


Switzerland Baden, Basel


Videók (1)