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PI (No Places Project)

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 516 Nézetek
  • Kedveltek
PI (No Places Project)
[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] π

PI (No Places Project)

No Places Project is a transmedia ongoing reflection about sound and narrative singing started with a series of songs written by Sei Iturriaga Sauco based on real stories related to specific places. Any song tells a story and has a sound heritage rooted in its place of origin. In contrast to the concept of “No place” proposed by French philosopher Marc Auge, the places that these songs invited us to visit are not just places but stories, identity, and deeply engraved sound practices that leave a track in the embodied memory of the singer who has found these songs, or have been founded by them.
PI is the result of a posthuman speculative fictioning practice, the scenery is a faraway future where these songs are kept as remains. In the form of a playable music videogame called by us GameEP (a musical EP presented as a videogame experience) is the first official release of the No Places Project, so we have decided to open the door of this ongoing reflection and creative research starting from a maybe impossible end.
As a performative videogame, PI is an experience of live music and video that allows the combination of the songs and the different sound elements while exploring this speculative universe, so the player’s agency is the core of the musical experience where sound and visual elements and their very own material nature are what finally defines the form that any of this songs can take.
Musical and visual produced, and developed by Alessio Alonne with the creative direction and original idea of Sei Iturriaga Sauco, PI is an AdoKin Collective production.

Időtartam (perc)


Ami szükséges

No other specific technical requirements are needed; the project easily adapts to multiple supports and
various ways of being presented.

Amit a művészek hoznak

The project is in the form of a Windows executable (exe) and weighs approximately 1.2 GB.
For its correct operation, a mid-to-high range gaming PC is required, with at least 16 GB of RAM and
an RTX 1080 or higher graphics card.
The game is designed to be played with a Joypad.

PI is an experience designed to be projected on a large screen, so the only type of connection
required is an HDMI cable long enough to connect the PC to the projector and audio. In the case of
hybrid audio/video systems, it is also possible to connect through an audio device or with a VGA cable.
As it is an interactive experience, there should be no latency in either audio or video.

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Experimental Electronics



Italy Turin

Sei Iturriaga Sauco
Sei Iturriaga Sauco

Mexico Mexico City, Italy Turin


LPM 2024 Morocco
LPM 2024 Morocco
péntek, 08 március 2024

Videók (3)