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Photon Rain

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • IDM, Advanced Hip Hop
  • 3221 Nézetek
  • Kedveltek
Photon Rain
[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] A dancer lost in the neon lights, a melancholic robot under the rain, twilight sparks on asphalt.
These are the mental images that triggered Photon Rain The work is a live dance and music performance in which a dancer’s movements are detected by a sensor and mapped to a system that generates abstract visuals and projects them on stage.
Photon Rain finds its inspiration in both body painting and action painting. As the dancer evolves on stage, she effectively paints with her entire body non-objective lightscapes. The synergy created by the choregraphy, visuals and live electronic music aims at recreating a virtual mental space of shadows gliding in ephemeral landscapes. The work follows an almost dramatic progression, where color, movement are main actors but remains open for the audience to project on it it’s own fears and fantasies.

Photon Rain’s “action light painting” is made possible by a software developed in-house using Max6. The system detects the dancer using a Microsoft Kinect 3D sensor and extracts a skeleton representation. The movement of key articulations is then mapped to a fluid simulation system whose force vectors are applied to a a particle system. The particles are rendered using color gradients with effects applied on top in order to generate the “light paint” projected on stage.

Photon Rain's original soundtrack has been composed by IDM and Minimal Techno producer Kronik Darling and is performed live by the artist during the performance.

Időtartam (perc)


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Hardware brought
- MacBook Pro Laptop
- Allen&Heath Xone K2 Controller
- Microsoft Kinect sensor
- Photo tripod for Kinect sensor
- Powered USB hub

Hardware needed
- 4m x 3m dancing surface
- 4m x 2,25m projection screen or wall
- video projector (we can provide one if needed)
- stereo PA system

Stage floor should be appropriate for dancing. Optimally a dark linoleum surface placed over a wooden floor. Dark floors are preferable in order to avoid light dispersion. Minimum dancing surface dimensions are 4m x 3m.
The back wall has to be white to project on it, or an appropriate screen has to be fitted. Minimum screen dimensions are 4m x 2,25m. The screen has to touch the floor and the dancing surface. The screen has to be aligned with the dancing surface.
A Microsoft Kinect sensor will be installed on stage, on a photo tripod (both provided by us), at a distance of 4,2m to the back wall. The sensor will be connected to an electrical outlet and to our laptop via USB.

Control desk
A desk and a chair with clear visibility over the dancing and projection area is needed for the visual artist. A Macbook laptop and an Allen&Heath K2 MIDI controller (both provided by us) will be placed on the desk. Electrical outlets and appropriate cabling are needed to connected the laptop to the projector and the the PA system. Moreover the laptop will be connected to the Kinect sensor through a 6m USB cable that we will provide. If it is not feasible to have the desk at this distance from the sensor, please notify us so we can test the setup with active USB repeaters.

A projector with appropriate luminosity (min. 2400 ANSI Lumens) and throw distance to cover a 4m wide screen is required. Ideally projector should be hung to the ceiling. The projector will be connected to our Macbook laptop through Thunderbolt. Our output resolution is 800x600.

An adequate stereo PA which fits the venue is required. The PA will be connected to our laptop’s soundcard trough stereo RCA connections.

The show is presented in complete darkness (apart from light coming from the projector). So proper light isolation is required. Dark walls are preferable in order to avoid light dispersion that lowers projection contrast.

Amit a művészek hoznak


  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • IDM, Advanced Hip Hop


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Refraction Labs

Spain Barcelona


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LPM 2013 Rome
szombat, 25 május 2013