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  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 4729 Nézetek
  • Kedveltek
[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] MEDIUM is an audiovisual performance centered around the idea of the ritual, specifically the rituals involving contact with beings from another plane of existence. We try to convey that _ema is actually a digital presence that manifests itself through glitches and digital "errors". We as performances are the Mediums, we are the chosen ones to translate its codes, its messages, its will. _ema is our modern myth, the eternal, the beginning and the end, the all mighty glitch that only understands reality in binary terms. With MEDIUM our intention is to prove that the glitch isn't just something that happens spontaneously but something that can be summoned, something that requires a ceremony to be conceived.

Időtartam (perc)


Ami szükséges

Three tables, one for each performer.
Two High-end video projectors ( >6000 lumens)
Two HDMI or DVI or VGA cables (long enough to connect the devices from the stage to the projector)

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics



Colombia Bogotá


Videók (1)