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  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Electroacoustic
  • 1687 Nézetek
  • Kedveltek
[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] Tschänz and Geargrind form an experienced A/V duo that has sought to hypnotize their audiences for the past five years. During this eclectic performance they seek to blend together west coast style modular synthesis, rough ambient guitar and visual feedback. They have spent the last 2 years pushing their style from a fully synthetic danceable club show towards an organic, dirty ambient experience that carries with it the dark solemn times of the pandemic and the subsequent personal reorientation in a world where uncertainty is the new normal. Geargrind plays live on stage using a highly customized Guitar and pedal board combo that produces roaring drones as well as transcendental slow melodies. Tschänzs visuals incorporate Geargrind himself as he moves through a glitchy hell of grainy analog and digital feedback during the performance. As the pedals beneath Geargrinds feet spiral off into screeching feedback loops, Tschänzs visual feedback plunges the whole performances into a portal of flashes and ever evolving patterns that the artists movements and sounds generate. “Mælstrøm” seeks to achieve an experience that sucks everything and everyone into a whirling current that makes the outside world fade away.

Időtartam (perc)


Ami szükséges

- Stereo DI Box for Audio jack
- Projector with HDMI
- Table: 1.5M x 1M (minimum) to fit one laptop, one ipad, small synth and midi controller
- Power connection at performance position (3x)
- Long jack cables (2x) from my mixer main out to your PA system.
- Tall table for synth and pedals. (Must be positioned as per Tschänz` (Visuals) instructions)
- Geargrind (Music) has to play in front or directly to the side of the screen. Camera must catch both.
- Laptop Stand
- Long power supply for camera

Amit a művészek hoznak

Geargrind (Music)
Volca modular, Mixer, Guitar, Pedalboard

Tschänz (Visuals)
Laptop, Midi controller, camera & tripod (1.50m).

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Electroacoustic



Netherlands The Hague


Germany Tübingen

Geargrind & Tschänz
Geargrind & Tschänz

Germany Tübingen


LPM 2023 Münster
LPM 2023 Münster
csütörtök, 13 április 2023

Videók (4)