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  • AV Installation
  • 3591 Nézetek
  • Kedveltek
[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] InteractionMap, standing for everything educational, playful, physical and visually pleasing...
Mixing projection mapping, real time movements and augmented reality, we aim to take the viewers into a fun science-orientated journey.
The interaction happens in the 2 following ways.
-1: the viewers, moving their bodies or certain parts of their bodies within a defined space, they will trigger and control sequences of clips projected on the 3D sculpture.

-2: using smart phone with an existing augmented reality application, the audience will see series of distinctive (unique) perspectives of the projection in real-time, as they explore the artificial environment we created.

Within the environment we create, the audience explore the space in relation to their movements, as they communicate with one another they become aware that through working together they can open up secret content.

Időtartam (perc)


Ami szükséges

-Videoprojector-for Mexico edition
-Tools and materials to build a fake wall, projector stand
-Space to host the installation

  • AV Installation



Switzerland Lausanne

Videók (1)