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Blending in openworlds

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • 3459 Nézetek
  • Kedveltek
Blending in openworlds
[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] In the performance that blends in to my motto "learning from the elders" I show the state of the art in interactive walkable 3D environments. I will present:

A view behind the 3d installment "Obedience" at Jewish Museum Berlin [opening end of May 2015] on Linden Lab (SL1) technology, by Peter Greenaway, Saskia Bodeke, Bryn Oh and others.

The Moonrezzer, a final show of 40 prim and sculpt artists [ending June 30, 2015] using SL1 technology with reaches the end of a proprietary existence and opens to the opensource community. As a surprise the Robot out of the Forbidden planet Altair will be reborn and speak in 174 languages.

The Colliseum and The Moon - a walk back and forward in time using Metaharper technology [screen control]

Vulcanicus, a conservation of Digital Art

Recoding Art - The Beginning started unter MIT/open licence with Processing

The material provided was never shown before in public. Main contributors:
Video maker [machinima] is WizardOz Chrome from Milano. Scripter Qnav What from Foundation of Programmed Art Munich. Roman amphitheatre made by Exy, Cheltenham (UK), The Moon [The Algebraist] made by Giovanna Cerise, Napoli and Art Blue, London.

Időtartam (perc)


Ami szükséges

just a data projector where I can play a HQ Youtube video and show slides from sort of Powerpoint and a mic to speak. If there are 2 or more screen like at former LPM Rome I could split video and slides on 2 screens on the fly. As an ex-art professor and speaker in congresses I blend in easly in my motto: "learning from the elders" (as I did as I was young by Prof. Herbert W. Franke 40 years ago). I might bring an EPOC headset with me to control and avatar by brainwaves.

please see the videos in the other galleries. I could not add them here in his gallery

  • AV Performance
  • Generative


Art Blue
Art Blue

Germany Leipzig