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Arnaud Brihay
[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] Born in Belgium in 1972, living in Lyon and working around the world but mainly in Lyon, I have a photographer backgroud but his background opened me to use other forms of expression such as video, installations , ...
My work is that of an observer who stops to look and think what is happening, make it his own. Forms of intimacy but also the tremors and rumblings in the world of today are...
[A szöveg csak angol nyelven érhető el] Born in Belgium in 1972, living in Lyon and working around the world but mainly in Lyon, I have a photographer backgroud but his background opened me to use other forms of expression such as video, installations , ...
My work is that of an observer who stops to look and think what is happening, make it his own. Forms of intimacy but also the tremors and rumblings in the world of today are therefore, in their ambiguities and illusions, the leitmotifs in my creations.

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előadások (2)

Videók (1)